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Say Something

For this assignment we were given three categories to choose from, Toy Story, Tableau, and Ad Series. I chose Ad Series due to the...

Film Noir

For this assignment I envisioned a mysterious woman searching for "evidence". I wanted her facial features to remain in the shadows.

What's On The Cover

When I first read the title of the assignment "What's on the Cover" I didn't know what to expect. I didn't realize that not only would I...

Medium Is The Message

For this assignment I chose to do "You're beautiful either way". I wanted to ensure that my model's natural beauty was still a positive...

Mars Vs Venus

When I was given this assignment I thought it was going to be easy. It definitely wasn’t. The assignment is meant to challenge societys...

Tone on Tone

For my Tone on Tone assignment I chose to use the colours blue and orange. To ensure this photograph met the criteria I had to make sure...

Jackie business card2 copy.png
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